Wednesday, January 26, 2011

King Sooper Friend - Please Call or Email

I know I'm not posting on this coupon blog as often as I should, but I'm happy to report that I'm finally getting back into awesome coupon savings after our move from Ohio to Colorado.  The biggest challenge is finding extra coupons (for free). In Ohio, my newspaper carrier left all her "extras" at my doorstep, and I was able to stock up on so many things and share with others.

Yesterday as I was shopping in King Soopers (Kroger in Ohio), a young mother stopped to comment on my notebook full of coupons. We enjoyed sharing information as this was her FIRST TIME to shop with coupons.

I'm so sorry, but I think her name was Anne?  How terrible I am with names even though I repeat them several times in my mind and vow that I'm not going to forget it. But alas, I'm  not sure now.

I was absolutely thrilled to find another serious couponer here in Colorado!  I wish we had shared phone numbers (both our cell phones were almost dead - lol). But, I did give her my homemade business card for this blog, so I hope she will read this and contact me. I have so much more I can share with her - including extra coupons!

"Anne" asked me if we really could save using coupons. I hope she got lots of savings yesterday. (She checked out behind me taking my advice to seek out a happy, friendly, cashier.)  She has really done her homework already!

"Yes, Dorothy, we're not in Kansas...but we can save a bundle with coupons!!!"

Take Care on the Journey
Your friend in Coupons,

email me: